For the octagon ports, you will need a hobby knife, some .040 thick styrene sheets, CA glue (superglue), or plastic cement.
The first step is to lay out the pattern. The one on the right is not a good way to do it. Nothing is supposed to intersect in the middle.

Slowly cut out the outline. Use the hobby knife to carefully do this.

Once all cut, the sides of the box are made. Some sides are rounded and others have sides with two different heights. Check measurements. This needs to fit the curvature of the droid.

Glue all these together and trim the edges so the top face can be put on.

Use this box to make an outline for the top face. I traced mine and moved it along the arch at the same time to make sure the box had proper measurements.

Once the top is cut out, glue it to the box along the curved parts.

Glue the bottom on to that and we will make the circle discs that go on the inside in our next post.